We aim to put ordinary people into positions of power

Rebuilding trust and faith in democracy by reforming toxic politics, taking action on climate change, and building a more equal society.

A sample of our policies

Millennium is a new political party that wants politics to reflect the glorious diversity of our society. More representation for more groups of people. Women, Indigenous Australians, progressives, young people, ethnic minorities, rural folk, financial conservatives and social liberals.

We want politics to deal with what people actually want dealt with. The hard problems. The big picture problems. The roll-up-your-sleeves-and-get-it-done problems. Climate change, affordable housing, spiralling inequality. And we want to use new tools and ways of thinking to solve them. Modern ways to think about money, and how we can structure our economy to be good for the environment and for people. Clear ideas about what we value, and what our government should do.

We want politics to be open and accessible to everyone. To be easy to be involved with. To have more voices heard and understood. Above all, to give people a fair chance at making a difference.

We want to tap deep into the foundations of our national psyche to guide and steer us. Our values, our purpose. What we, as Australians, hold to be right and true. What matters to us the most.

We want to give people a real choice for modern, progressive, politics.

Politics that isn't right or left, but forward.

Politics for a new Millennium.

Our beliefs

Federal governments should make it easy to get help, and hard to cause harm

Governments should be efficient, effective, and profitable. They should treat all people fairly and equally and protect them from the random quirks and shifts of life and the economy. They should regulate markets to balance the desire for profits with both social goods and the need to sustain and renew our environment.

Australians care

Hard to believe but it's true! We didn't make this up. Deep social research finds that we are a society that cares deeply about providing safety and security for all its people, that wants everyone to have the means and freedom to express themselves as they see fit, and that cares deeply about the protection and preservation of our natural environment. Human beings are fundamentally good.

Debts and deficits don't matter

The federal government is not limited by money. Or taxes. Whatever we want, we can afford. Our real constraints are the resources we can sustainably take from the environment and the capacity of the economy, in people, skills, and technology, to create the things we want.

The economy should meet the needs of all within the means of the planet

The economy can't grow forever. But we can ensure that the life essentials everyone needs (food, housing, healthcare etc.) are met within the sustainable bounds of our environment (a stable climate, pollution free, biodiverse).

Think about the shape of a doughnut. The space between two rings. Outside the doughnut is unchecked environmental destruction. The hole in the center is an economic and social free-for-all. The sweet delicious spot in the middle, the doughnut itself, is where we want to be.

We must deal with climate change

It's real, it's caused by human activity, and we must change our society and economy to balance the need to protect and preserve our natural environment with providing safety and security for our people.

Ordinary people can make politics more representative and responsive

We can use something called sortition to make politics reflect what Australian society actually looks like. More representation for more people. Easier and fairer ways to be involved with politics and oversight in our society.

Our foundations

Everything Millennium says and does is based on a foundation of:

Fundamental Australian values *

  • Benevolence - promoting the welfare of all people, including the most vulnerable and especially those closest to us.
  • Security - of person, property, environment, financial, employment, health, and physiological needs.
  • Self-direction - independent thought and actions towards personal pleasure and enjoyment.
  • Nature - preservation of the natural environment, including animals, for all people for all time.

* Based on a survey of 1,800 Australians. We didn't make this up!

which leads to...

A clear purpose for Government.

What do we want our government to actually do? Make it easy to get help, and hard to cause harm. By doing things like:

  • Ensure all people are treated fairly and equally, including the most vulnerable.
  • Protect people from the random quirks and shifts of life and the economy.
  • Supply essential goods and services in areas where markets are inappropriate or non-existent, such as aged care, child care, and welfare services.
  • Regulate markets to balance the desire for profits with both social goods and the need to sustain and renew our environment. Ask what kind of rules does a particular market need to make it work well for the community?

with a clear purpose, we get...

Three clear priorities

We focus all our might and main towards:

Reforming toxic politics

Making politics more representative and responsive.

Action on climate change

No one left behind while moving to a diversified zero-carbon, renewable, and sustainable economy.

Building a more equal society

Achieving social equity and equality. Promoting egalitarianism and a fair go.

We need you!

If you feel the way we feel, then we need your support.

Please join us as a member so we can register with the Australian Electoral Commission.

We are not a single-issue micro party. We are absolutely dedicated to winning government and giving Australians a real choice for modern progressive policies.

Become a member